About Us

Corporate Headquarters

4032 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010, 323-724-2500

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UCBZeroWaste is here to help your company achieve


A Complete Approach

UCBZeroWaste designs and manages sustainability programs to help companies achieve Zero-Waste-to-Landfill status, through the implementation of Return, Reuse, Resell, Recycle, Composting and Waste-to-Energy programs. Our programs are designed to reduce customers trash (cost) and increase reuse and recycling (revenue), while implementing and integrating best waste management practices at all local levels, and simultaneously reporting across all commodities and all locations. This way, the client companies can focus on core business, and we focus on taking care of their waste.

Our Story

When launching in 2006, UCBZeroWaste built technology and processes that enabled buying used/empty boxes and gaylord totes from large US food, beverage, and CPG manufacturers - for more than recycling rates. These are the shipping boxes and the gaylord totes that companies receive from their vendors, often carrying bulk ingredients, plastic bottles & plastic caps, etc.

UCBZeroWaste is able to pay more for the boxes than any recycler across the country, because of the fact that the boxes are not being recycled - they are being resold for reuse purposes, mainly to major retailers for distribution and reverse logistics right here in the US.

As one of the largest buyer & seller of quality used boxes and gaylord totes in the country, UCBZeroWaste has been able to create a tremendous amount of value at many large companies just by our box programs. Proudly, the business has expanded and now we manage almost any byproduct of food/bev/cpg manufacturing or distribution. In other words, UCBZeroWaste buys gaylord totes, boxes, pallets, supersaks, barrels and drums for more than recycling rates and resell them for less than new ones.

As a closed-loop sustainability program, UCBZeroWaste return millions of boxes right back to the original vendor for reuse. Apart from shipping boxes and gaylord totes, UCBZeroWaste helps separate other valuable commodities to reduce waste and to find the highest paying outlet for each commodity.

One of the things that separates UCBZeroWaste from "local box brokers" and surely "traditional recyclers" and even "waste consultants" is the online, real-time tracking software that report down to SKU-level.

UCBZeroWaste’s proprietary software called WATER: Waste Analytics and Tracking for Environmental Reporting, enables users to keep track on waste volumes, financials and landfill diversion rates. It identifies cost and revenue fluctuations and detects additional and often hidden fees. Offers an ability to create professional sustainability reports for internal and third party accounting/promotion. And allows users to request materials pickup and generate bill-of-ladings in one click.

Who We Serve

UCBZeroWaste serves medium and large businesses in different industries, such as food, beverage, CPG, pharmaceutical, logistics, and electronics.
We also partner with recyclers and other companies across the United States and Canada.

Where We Operate

UCBZeroWaste serves companies located in United States and Canada.